Uniquely yours, Redefining stage decors!

Stage Decors by J.N.Andrea’s Creations

One would always look for anything that stands out, looks perfectly great, and simply satisfactory. This is exactly what we were able to see in these two people who run J.N.Andrea's Creations. 

When it comes to celebrations we always look for outstanding events, things that will last in our memory for a lifetime, those tiny incidents and beautiful ambiance is what we always sit back and cherish.

This is exactly what we found each time we walked into an event hosted by J.N.Andrea's Creations. So many details and tiny yet significant elements that add such personality to the decor. Be it their decorations or their workflow of events its perfectly in sync with what the client wants and looks for in a celebration. 


So we have had the opportunity of experiencing both weddings and birthday parties hosted by them. Till date we have shot over 100 kids related shoot, be it a traditional Ayush Homam in a mandapam or a gala first birthday celebration in a star hotel.

I should say that their weddings are just nothing less than a fairy tale. It not only has royalty but their selection of color and decor choices stand out from any other. They specialize in making handcrafted flowers, and beautiful floral arrangements that will last in one's memory for a lifetime... and it gives me such happiness to click pics that I know for sure is going to be cherished forever. 


Birthdays are such an important part of any parent. Although the baby is not going to remember or know anything but one day he or she will look back at all the beautiful memories made. J.N.Andrea's Creations makes you want to relive those memories again and again. It’s just not weddings that 100% is put into but birthdays also play such an important part of their passion. Every element and theme chosen is carefully selected in accordance with the baby and the venue. The variation of colors and even the setting of their simple table cloth, all is perfectly unique. 

Just as their tag goes, "Uniquely yours", this is exactly how they work. Making every penny worth much more than expected.