The Chola connection in a Chennai temple

Its been a long time since we shot a “simple, temple wedding” and to shoot a temple wedding in Chennai has almost become impossible since everyone wants to host their wedding in a “grand” way.

Yesterday, 08/11/19 we shot our first temple wedding of the year, the last one we could remember was a couple of years back. Arulmigu Gangadeswarn Kovil in Purasawalkam has a historic connection which we were not aware of till the eve of the wedding. Thanks to Madras Inherited through their Thursday Trivia stories in Instagram we came to know about historic relevance of the grand old temple. When we enquired the couple on why they decided to choose the venue, we came to know that it was a random choice and even they were not aware of its historic connection.

The temple is from the Golden era of Tamil culture, the Chola Era! A time when art and architecture flourished in Tamil Nadu. Most of the magnificent temple structures in Tamil Nadu was built during the Chola Era.

Sadly, it looks like most of the original complex and structures have been lost in the name of renovation. and we couldn’t spot much from the Chola era, we have shot a few pictures of the temple’s complex which we assume must be from its inception.

Gangadeswarn temple.jpg

Though we are not sure if these structures are from the Chola era, this was the oldest structure that we could find in the temple complex.

Arulmigu Gangadeswarn temple.jpg