Photography Classes in Chennai


Incognito frames offers premium photography workshops for beginners, armatures and professionals

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Basic Photography Workshop

Course Duration: 3 Days | Fees: 3200/-

Time: 9.30 am to 4.00 pm

Eligibility: Must have taken photographs in auto mode

Basic Photography workshop is for complete beginners who wants to know things right from the scratch on a DSLR or a mirror less camera and start shooting in manual mode. learn the basics of framing to handling shutter, ISO and aperture and handling available light. upgrade your photography skills, designed for beginners.


Intermediate Level

Course Duration: 4 days | Fees: 6000/-

Time: 9.00 am to 1.30 pm

Eligibility: Must have knowledge about shutter, ISO and aperture,

If you have mastered basics and looking to upgrade your skills then can enroll in the intermediate level, where you will be taught in depth detail about handing light, looking for a carrier option in photography, learning from the international photography community, arching techniques and lots more.

Note: If you have finished Basic level in photography, you require atleast 6 months of regular practice before signing up for intermediate level.


Wedding Photography

Duration: 2 days practical, 3 Days shooting live weddings.

Eligibility: atleast one year experience in handling camera, must have shot a minimum of 2 events.

Learning Wedding Photography from Award winning wedding photographers, experience real hand weddings as it unfolds. Apart from learning in live wedding situations, you will be taught wedding photography styles, editing all about wedding albums, branding and promoting yourself as a wedding photographer are some of the larger topics that will be covered during the training hours.